
  1. When the Game Does Not End at the Final Whistle Sports, Yesterday

    Most soccer fans long ago internalized the idea that truth is a slippery concept.

  2. Israel llegó a los Juegos Olímpicos entre vítores, abucheos y sirenas de policía En español, July 25

    El partido de fútbol contra Mali puso a prueba el dispositivo de seguridad que Francia prometió desplegar para proteger a la delegación israelí.

  3. Most Valuable Player: A Star Raises the Profile of Women’s Soccer in Africa Foreign, July 25

    In seven years, Racheal Kundananji went from playing her first organized game to signing a multimillion-dollar contract. Her rise could have lasting effects.

  4. Israel Rolls Into Paris Olympics Amid Cheers, Boos and Police Sirens Foreign, July 24

    France has promised an unusually heavy blanket of security for Israeli athletes at the Games. In its first test, it pulled out all the stops.

  5. Secuelas de la Eurocopa y la Copa América En español, July 22

    Recuerdos del torneo europeo, problemas en Estados Unidos y el eterno encanto de un gol ganador.

  6. He Loves Soccer and Portugal. So He Bought a Team. Metro, July 22

    Gifford Miller, a former City Council speaker who was Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s principal antagonist, has plunged into a new project since leaving politics.

  7. A Post-Euros, Post-Copa Mailbag Sports, July 19

    Euro 2024 memories, Copa América issues and the enduring allure of a winning goal.

  8. Palestinian Bid to Ban Israel From Soccer Is Put Off Sports, July 18

    A decision by FIFA to delay the resolution of a bitter dispute until August will allow Israel to take part in the men’s tournament at the Paris Olympics.

  9. Gareth Southgate’s England Tenure Ends With a Jump, Not a Push Foreign, July 16

    Southgate’s eight years in charge made him the most successful England manager in decades. In stepping down two days after losing the Euro 2024 final, he got the last word.

  10. Finger-Pointing Follows Mayhem at Copa América Final in Miami National, July 16

    Chaos at the stadium raised questions about crowd control and security just two years before the U.S. is set to co-host the World Cup in 11 cities.

  11. Un jovencísimo Lamine Yamal guía a la selección española de vuelta al dominio del fútbol europeo En español, July 16

    La victoria por 2-1 en la final de la Eurocopa 2024 prolongó el sufrimiento de Inglaterra, pero coronó como una estrella generacional al delantero adolescente de España.

  12. A New Prince Leads Spain as It Rules European Soccer Again Foreign, July 14

    A 2-1 victory in the Euro 2024 final extended England’s suffering but crowned a generational star in Spain’s teenage forward, Lamine Yamal.

  13. Final de la Copa América 2024: Argentina y Colombia juegan como en casa En español, July 14

    El torneo, que comenzó el 20 de junio, ha perdido parte de su sensación sudamericana característica al jugarse completamente en Estados Unidos. El escenario de la final podría restaurar parte de la energía festiva típica de la Copa América.

  14. Argentina vs. Colombia in Miami: A Home Game for Both Teams National, July 14

    Few would argue there could be a more perfect setting for the final game of the Copa América soccer tournament on Sunday night.

  15. Are Soccer’s Showcase Games the Riskiest Gig in Music? Foreign, July 14

    Performing before a major match like the Euro 2024 final offers priceless visibility, and the nonzero chance that you’ll be booed.

  16. In England, a Changed Nation Hopes for a Change in Soccer Fortunes Foreign, July 14

    After installing a Labour government for the first time in 14 years, the country is looking to a historical precedent as a presage to a long-awaited sporting success.

  17. This Soccer Player Wanted to Wear Her Hijab on the Field. France Wouldn’t Let Her. Foreign, July 13

    Lina Boussaha joined a team in Saudi Arabia so she could wear her head scarf while playing the sport she calls “a part of my soul.”

  18. A Bleak View of Soccer’s Future Misses the Full Picture Foreign, July 12

    Uruguay Coach Marcelo Bielsa lamented that the sport was surrendering its appeal in service to its business. He’s right. And also wrong.

  19. You Are Cordially Invited to Euro 2024’s Best Party. Please Wear Orange. Foreign, July 10

    With thousands of voices and a few well-choreographed dance moves, Dutch fans have transformed match days into pulsing, joyous celebrations. Their next one is Wednesday.

  20. Tras las elecciones en Francia, las estrellas de la selección vuelven al fútbol En español, July 9

    Algunos de los mejores jugadores del equipo nacional habían instado a los votantes a rechazar a la extrema derecha en los comicios. Ahora, la cita con España en la Eurocopa 2024 ofrece un desafío más familiar.

  21. A Political Fight Won, France’s Stars Turn Back to a Soccer One Foreign, July 9

    Some of the country’s top players had urged voters to reject the far right in a pivotal election. With that battle over, a date with Spain in Euro 2024 offers a more familiar challenge.

  22. How Joining a Scottish Softball Team Cured My American Loneliness Op Ed, July 6

    Rec league sports are a cure for much of what ails us. Really.

  23. Sometimes It Is the Coach’s Fault Foreign, July 5

    The U.S. collapsed under the weight of expectations at the Copa América. Its next move could determine if there is a repeat, or a revival, at the 2026 World Cup.

  24. Cristiano Ronaldo and the Problem With Too Much Fame Foreign, July 5

    The soccer superstar’s trip to Euro 2024 has been marked by pitch invaders and uninspiring performances. As fans try to get close, his team can’t seem to let go.

  25. ¿El rechazo del País Vasco a la selección española de fútbol está disminuyendo? En español, June 30

    Por mucho tiempo, la región se ha considerado distinta a España y no se interesa por la selección nacional. ¿Puede el equipo de la Eurocopa 2024, lleno de estrellas vascas, llamar su atención?

  26. In the Basque Country, Muted Cheers for Spain’s Soccer Team Foreign, June 30

    The region has long seen itself as distinct from its country and disinterested in the national team. Can a Euro 2024 squad studded with Basque stars turn heads?

  27. Before LeBron and Bronny, These Fathers and Sons Made Sports History Express, June 28

    The Los Angeles Lakers are poised to have the first father-son N.B.A. duo in league history. But other dads and sons have played pro sports together as well.

  28. At Euro 2024, a Very England Fight Misses the Point Foreign, June 28

    A back and forth over the pundit’s one-word analysis of his country’s performances rests on a misconception about the media’s role.

  29. Why Britain’s Murky Election Betting Scandal Is Causing Outrage Foreign, June 28

    The embattled Conservative Party is embroiled in investigations over whether some of its own staff members used insider knowledge to bet on the timing of the general election.

  30. Los aficionados ultras promueven su visión política en la Eurocopa 2024 En español, June 27

    Los mensajes nacionalistas que lanzan durante los juegos han sido sancionados por la UEFA, pero dejan entrever la creciente ola de nacionalismo en toda Europa.

  31. Today’s Top News: A New Role for Kamala Harris in the 2024 Campaign, and More Podcasts, August 7

    Exclusively from New York Times Audio, our new app.

  32. Grant Wahl Was a Loving Husband. I Will Always Protect His Legacy. Op Ed, January 8

    Anti-vaccine harassment cannot stand.

  33. Your Wednesday Briefing: A Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough N Y T Now, December 13

    Plus Argentina beat Croatia to advance to the World Cup finals.

  34. Your Monday Briefing: The World Cup Semifinals Loom N Y T Now, December 11

    Plus, China’s sluggish economy and the arrest of the Lockerbie bombing suspect.

  35. Your Wednesday Briefing: The U.S. Beats Iran N Y T Now, November 29

    Plus China cracks down on protests and the U.S. pledges more aid to Ukraine.

  36. Your Tuesday Briefing: Anxiety in China N Y T Now, November 28

    Plus Ukraine updates, a U.S.-Iran World Cup preview and a “She Said” interview.

  37. Your Wednesday Briefing: Indonesia’s Death Toll Climbs N Y T Now, November 22

    Plus Saudi Arabia defeats Argentina, Australia loses to France and lockdowns spread across China.

  38. Your Tuesday Briefing: Indonesia’s Deadly Earthquake N Y T Now, November 21

    Plus Iranian players protest at the World Cup and “Neighbours” will start filming again.

  39. Hello, World. It’s Been a While. Styles, August 1

    On the pleasures and pains of joining up with other people after a long, quiet time in the Covid doldrums.

  40. The Sounders Qualified for the Club World Cup. No One Knows When It Is. Sports, May 5

    One prize for Seattle’s Concacaf Champions League title was a chance to face some of the world’s best clubs. When are those games? “No clue,” one FIFA official said.