
  1. One of the Republican Convention’s Weirdest Lies Op Ed, July 21

    It was one long exercise in creating memories of a Trump term that never existed.

  2. Why the Pentagon Is Warning That ISIS Attacks Could Double This Year Foreign, July 17

    Attacks claimed by ISIS in Iraq and Syria are on track to double last year’s total, the U.S. military said in a report, as the terrorist group’s affiliates become increasingly deadly elsewhere around the world.

  3. Former Syrian Official in Charge of Notorious Prison Is Arrested in Los Angeles Washington, July 16

    Samir Ousman al-Sheikh, who was seeking U.S. citizenship, is accused of falsely describing whether he persecuted anyone for their political beliefs or had been involved in any killings.

  4. Hezbollah Launches Retaliatory Rockets After Israel Appears to Strike in Syria Foreign, July 9

    Two members of Hezbollah were reported killed in Syria, near the border with Lebanon, and the Israeli police said that the Hezbollah rocket barrage that followed killed a man and a woman in the Golan Heights.

  5. Las tensiones entre Israel y Hezbolá aumentan. Esto es lo que hay que saber En español, July 4

    Una guerra entre Hezbolá e Israel podría convertirse en un conflicto regional de mayor envergadura que eclipsaría los combates actuales y atraería a Irán y Estados Unidos.

  6. Hezbollah Fired 200 Rockets at Israel. Here’s What to Know About the Escalating Tensions. Foreign, July 4

    A Hezbollah-Israel war could metastasize into a larger regional conflict that could dwarf the current fighting and draw in Iran and the United States.

  7. With Fists and Knives, Mobs Attack Syrian Refugees in Turkey Foreign, July 2

    As economic woes grow in Turkey, groups of men have targeted Syrian refugees there. In response, fighters across the border in northern Syria have confronted Turkish soldiers.

  8. U.N. Faces Record Humanitarian Aid Shortfall — but Not for Ukrainians Foreign, August 22

    Soaring needs and wealthy countries’ focus on Ukraine have left aid agencies with too little money to address the world’s other crises, forcing them to cut programs.