Two people were killed and six were injured by a plane crash in the middle of the street in São Paolo.
Seis personas que se encontraban en tierra también resultaron heridas por la pequeña aeronave, parte de la cual chocó con un autobús que circulaba por una calle en São Paulo cuando se desplomó.
Six people on the ground were also injured by the plane, part of which struck a bus on the road when it crashed in São Paulo.
El presidente Trump autorizó a los militares a ayudar en las deportaciones. Los aviones desencadenaron una crisis entre Estados Unidos y Colombia y suscitaron preguntas. Esto es lo que hay que saber.
Sending people to another country requires bilateral negotiations and diplomatic strong arming.
The president authorized the military to assist in deportations. The planes triggered a crisis between the United States and Colombia, and prompted questions. Here’s what to know.
El vuelo que llegó de Estados Unidos a Brasil con personas deportadas tuvo múltiples problemas técnicos y los pasajeros hombres viajaron esposados y con grilletes.
The Trump administration’s first flight deporting Brazilians involved aborted takeoffs, sweltering heat, emergency exits and shackled deportees on a wing.
Passengers on one of the Trump administration’s first deportation flights faced aborted takeoffs, mechanical issues and high temperatures, causing some shackled fliers to break out onto the plane’s wing, begging for help. In response, Brazilian go...
Cuando el presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, rechazó los aviones militares que transportaban deportados, enfureciendo al presidente Trump, puso de manifiesto lo candente que se ha vuelto la cuestión de las deportaciones.
When Colombia’s president, Gustavo Petro, refused military planes carrying deportees, infuriating President Trump, he revealed how heated the question of deportations has become.
Jair Bolsonaro and a Times reporter discussed the former Brazilian president’s two mysterious nights at the Hungarian Embassy.
El expresidente brasileño, acorralado por las investigaciones penales, mira a Estados Unidos para cambiar la política de su país y seguir siendo un hombre libre.
The former Brazilian president, squeezed by criminal investigations, looks to the United States to shift his nation’s politics — and maybe keep him a free man.
Three reasons help explain why the two politicians have faced such contrasting fates.
What we can learn from countries that have pushed back on threats to democracy.
El frenesí de los juegos de azar digitales podría ponerle fin a una lotería vinculada a mafias asesinas y parte inamovible de la cultura popular brasileña desde el siglo XIX.
Digital gambling could spell the end for a lottery run by criminal gangs that has been a fixture of Brazilian life for decades.
La investigación sugiere que el expresidente de Brasil obtuvo la idea de falsificar su cartilla de vacunación para viajar a Estados Unidos de su ayudante Mauro Cid.
The federal police accused the former president of falsifying his Covid-19 vaccination records.
Amid an unhinged far-right presidency and a devastating pandemic, it was a lifeline.
Em meio a uma tresloucada presidência de extrema direita e uma pandemia devastadora, foi uma tábua de salvação.
The authorities arrested a close aide of former President Jair Bolsonaro on charges that he forged vaccine records, possibly to help Mr. Bolsonaro enter the United States.
The pileup has left visitors from places like Brazil, Colombia, India and Mexico waiting months, even a year or more, to visit family or do business in America.
A comunidade faz uma grande diferença em tempos de pandemia.
Las autoridades deben aprender a ganarse la confianza de las comunidades, que sin su apoyo han tenido que coordinarse para sobrevivir.
Community goes a long way in pandemics.
Also, Brazilians storm government offices and the Times investigates a 2021 Kabul airstrike.
Algunos bebés que nacieron con las devastadoras consecuencias de la enfermedad transmitida por mosquitos ya tienen 7 años, pero la covid ha acaparado la atención del mundo.
Algunos bebés que nacieron con las devastadoras consecuencias de la enfermedad transmitida por mosquitos ya tienen 7 años, pero la covid ha acaparado la atención del mundo.
Some babies born with devastating birth defects from the mosquito-borne illness are 7 now, but Covid turned the world’s attention away.
Pandemic lockdowns, misinformation campaigns, conflicts, climate crises and other problems diverted resources and contributed to the largest backslide in routine immunization in 30 years.