
  1. Bolsonaro Hid at Hungary’s Embassy. Not for Asylum, He Says, but Maybe for Love. Foreign, January 17

    Jair Bolsonaro and a Times reporter discussed the former Brazilian president’s two mysterious nights at the Hungarian Embassy.

  2. ¿Cómo puede Bolsonaro evitar la cárcel? Según él, con Trump, Musk y Zuckerberg En español, January 16

    El expresidente brasileño, acorralado por las investigaciones penales, mira a Estados Unidos para cambiar la política de su país y seguir siendo un hombre libre.

  3. How Can Bolsonaro Avoid Prison? Trump, Musk and Zuckerberg, He Says. Foreign, January 16

    The former Brazilian president, squeezed by criminal investigations, looks to the United States to shift his nation’s politics — and maybe keep him a free man.

  4. Why Trump Is Returning to Power While Bolsonaro Faces Prison Foreign, January 16

    Three reasons help explain why the two politicians have faced such contrasting fates.

  5. Are We Sleepwalking Into Autocracy? Op Ed, January 15

    What we can learn from countries that have pushed back on threats to democracy.

  6. El control de la mafia sobre la lotería brasileña parecía invencible. Hasta que llegaron las aplicaciones En español, January 12

    El frenesí de los juegos de azar digitales podría ponerle fin a una lotería vinculada a mafias asesinas y parte inamovible de la cultura popular brasileña desde el siglo XIX.

  7. The Mafia’s Grip on a Brazilian Lottery Seemed Invincible. Until the Apps Came. Foreign, January 12

    Digital gambling could spell the end for a lottery run by criminal gangs that has been a fixture of Brazilian life for decades.

  8. Mi país está en grave peligro. Estas 1105 páginas lo demuestran En español, January 9

    Dentro de la democracia brasileña hay una fuerza capaz de derrocarla: los militares. Es la daga que pende sobre el país.

  9. Israeli Soldiers on Vacation Are Being Investigated for War Crimes in Gaza Foreign, January 8

    The Israeli military will no longer identify its forces by name in the media, “fearing the arrest of soldiers abroad.”

  10. Bolsonaro tentou destruir o Brasil. Esse não é o único problema. Opinion, January 8

    Há um punhal pairando sobre o país.

  11. Brazil Is in Grave Danger. These 1,105 Pages Prove It. Op Ed, January 8

    There’s a dagger hanging over the country.

  12. Bajo una autopista en Río, un baile conquista a una nueva generación En español, January 2

    Llevan décadas bailando “charme” al son del R&B en la periferia de la capital brasileña. Ahora, una nueva generación de bailarines está reviviendo —y transformando— el ambiente.

  13. Under a Highway in Rio, a Dance Style Charms a New Generation Foreign, December 31

    On Rio de Janeiro’s fringes, partygoers have been dancing “charme” to the sounds of R&B for decades. Now, a new crop of dancers is reviving — and transforming — the scene.

  14. A Year Both Brutal and Bright: 13 Favorite Dispatches From 2024 Foreign, December 29

    In a year marked by wars, extreme weather and general wickedness, many dispatches defaulted to a distinctly dark tone. But as our correspondents traversed the globe, they found pockets of light, too.

  15. Why Coffee Prices Are Soaring (Again) Business, December 28

    Wholesale coffee prices are trading near a 50-year high because of shortages related to extreme weather and increased global demand.

  16. Bolsonaro enfrenta posibles cargos penales por falsificar registros de vacunación En español, March 19

    La investigación sugiere que el expresidente de Brasil obtuvo la idea de falsificar su cartilla de vacunación para viajar a Estados Unidos de su ayudante Mauro Cid.

  17. Brazil Police Recommend Criminal Charges Against Bolsonaro Foreign, March 19

    The federal police accused the former president of falsifying his Covid-19 vaccination records.

  18. How Telling Stories to My Daughter Got Me Through the Darkest Times Op Ed, January 1

    Amid an unhinged far-right presidency and a devastating pandemic, it was a lifeline.

  19. Como contar histórias para minha filha me ajudou nos tempos mais difíceis Opinion, January 1

    Em meio a uma tresloucada presidência de extrema direita e uma pandemia devastadora, foi uma tábua de salvação.

  20. Brazil’s Police Raid Bolsonaro Home in Fake Vaccine Cards Case Foreign, May 3

    The authorities arrested a close aide of former President Jair Bolsonaro on charges that he forged vaccine records, possibly to help Mr. Bolsonaro enter the United States.

  21. A Visa Backlog Abroad Is Taking a Toll Inside the U.S., Too Travel, April 13

    The pileup has left visitors from places like Brazil, Colombia, India and Mexico waiting months, even a year or more, to visit family or do business in America.

  22. O que as Favelas Brasileiras Podem nos Ensinar sobre Confiança Opinion, April 11

    A comunidade faz uma grande diferença em tempos de pandemia.

  23. La gran lección pandémica de las favelas de Brasil En español, April 11

    Las autoridades deben aprender a ganarse la confianza de las comunidades, que sin su apoyo han tenido que coordinarse para sobrevivir.

  24. Brazil’s Favelas Offer Lessons in Building Trust Op Ed, April 9

    Community goes a long way in pandemics.

  25. Your Monday Briefing: China Reopens Dining, January 8

    Also, Brazilians storm government offices and the Times investigates a 2021 Kabul airstrike.

  26. El virus olvidado: investigadores y familias afectadas por el zika tienen problemas para encontrar apoyo en Español, August 17

    Algunos bebés que nacieron con las devastadoras consecuencias de la enfermedad transmitida por mosquitos ya tienen 7 años, pero la covid ha acaparado la atención del mundo.

  27. El virus olvidado: investigadores y familias afectadas por el zika tienen problemas para encontrar apoyo en Español, August 17

    Algunos bebés que nacieron con las devastadoras consecuencias de la enfermedad transmitida por mosquitos ya tienen 7 años, pero la covid ha acaparado la atención del mundo.

  28. The Forgotten Virus: Zika Families and Researchers Struggle for Support Science, August 16

    Some babies born with devastating birth defects from the mosquito-borne illness are 7 now, but Covid turned the world’s attention away.

  29. Sharp Drop in Childhood Vaccinations Threatens Millions of Lives Science, July 15

    Pandemic lockdowns, misinformation campaigns, conflicts, climate crises and other problems diverted resources and contributed to the largest backslide in routine immunization in 30 years.