
  1. The French Swimmer Who Is Carrying His Country on His Back Foreign, Today

    Léon Marchand, who has the potential to win medals in four individual events, bears much of the weight of France’s expectations. He is ready, he says, but adds, “it does feel weird.”

  2. N.C.A.A. Settlement Agreement Reveals How Colleges Would Pay Athletes National, Yesterday

    The agreement, if approved by a federal judge, could deliver the final hammer blow to the amateur model of college athletics.

  3. When A.I. Fails the Language Test, Who Is Left Out of the Conversation? Express, Yesterday

    The use of artificial intelligence is exploding around the world, but the technology’s language models are primarily trained in English, leaving many speakers of other languages behind.

  4. Americans May Not Agree on Much, but They Agree Biden Made the Right Choice Upshot, Yesterday

    The president’s decision to exit the race received overwhelming support. Only a few other things have drawn as much consensus in polling.

  5. The Kamala Harris Vibe Shift Politics, July 25

    For many Democrats, a race that felt like a dispiriting slog suddenly feels light. Even hopeful.

  6. Harris Narrows Gap Against Trump, Times/Siena Poll Finds Politics, July 25

    In a survey taken after President Biden stepped aside, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are locked in a tight race separated by a single percentage point among likely voters.

  7. Toplines: July 2024 Times/Siena Poll of Registered Voters Nationwide Interactive, July 25

    Results of a nationwide New York Times/Siena College poll conducted among 1,142 registered voters from July 22 to 24, 2024.

  8. Cross-Tabs: July 2024 Times/Siena Poll of Registered Voters Nationwide Interactive, July 25

    Results of a nationwide New York Times/Siena College poll conducted among 1,142 registered voters from July 22 to 24, 2024.

  9. Cross-Tabs: July 2024 Times/Siena Poll of the Likely Electorate Interactive, July 25

    Results of a nationwide New York Times/Siena College poll conducted among 1,142 likely voters from July 22 to 24, 2024.

  10. Move Over, Mathematicians, Here Comes AlphaProof Science, July 25

    A.I. is getting good at math — and might soon make a worthy collaborator for humans.

  11. A New Insight into Donald Trump’s Rise N Y T Now, July 25

    We examine data on economic mobility.

  12. The Republican Party’s Elite Conundrum Op Ed, July 25

    The G.O.P. has turned its own ignorance into a point of pride.

  13. What a Professor’s Firing Shows About Sexual Harassment in China Foreign, July 25

    A top Chinese university described the conduct of a professor accused of sexual harassment as a moral failing, language feminists say downplays harm to women.

  14. Biden Dropped Out 3 Days Ago. Ready or Not, Here Come the Polls. Election Analytics, July 24

    Some pollsters were already in the field when news of his withdrawal broke; others scrambled to conduct quick surveys.

  15. A TV Show Set Up a Fake Campus Protest. Then Real Protesters Arrived. Metro, July 24

    A police procedural drama staged a tent encampment for a film shoot at Queens College. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators felt it trivialized their movement.

  16. A Lost Opera Returns, and Shouldn’t Be Lost Again Culture, July 21

    Teatro Nuovo is giving Carolina Uccelli’s pioneering “Anna di Resburgo” its first performances since its premiere in 1835.

  17. Antisemitism on Campuses, Ivy and Beyond Letters, July 21

    Responses to a column by Bret Stephens. Also: Pharmacy benefit managers; the Supreme Court; a potential second Trump term and the environment.

  18. If Kamala Harris Is a D.E.I. Candidate, So Is JD Vance Op Ed, July 21

    He benefited from one of the most powerful forms of affirmative action that elite universities practice.

  19. Campus Protests Led to More Than 3,100 Arrests, but Many Charges Have Been Dropped National, July 21

    The spate of pro-Palestinian protests and encampments engulfed academic institutions of all sizes in nearly every part of the country.

  20. Indian Americans Become a Political Force, Just as Usha Vance’s Profile Rises National, July 20

    Indian Americans are now the largest and most politically active group among Asian Americans. Among their recent milestones: Vice President Kamala Harris, two G.O.P. presidential candidates — and a possible second lady.

  21. Running the Packers Is Complicated. A Sense of Humor Helps. Business, July 20

    In the N.F.L., being the chief executive of a publicly owned, nonprofit franchise is a singular job. Mark Murphy has been doing it for 17 years.

  22. To Sell Prized Paintings, a University Proclaims They’re Not ‘Conservative’ Culture, July 19

    Valparaiso University is arguing it should never have acquired two paintings, including a Georgia O’Keeffe, in the 1960s. It hopes to sell them to pay for dorm renovations.

  23. Ben Sasse Will Step Down as President of University of Florida National, July 19

    The former senator from Nebraska cited the health of his wife, who has been diagnosed with epilepsy.

  24. Executives Depart Cassava, Maker of Disputed Alzheimer’s Drug Science, July 18

    The chief executive and a lead scientist stepped down weeks after a federal grand jury filed fraud charges against a research collaborator.

  25. Usha Vance, J.D. Vance’s Wife, Entered the Spotlight. It’s an Unfamiliar Role. Politics, July 18

    The couple met while attending Yale Law School. Republicans hope Ms. Vance, the daughter of Indian immigrants, will become the second lady.

  26. President of Florida A&M Resigns Amid Donation Controversy Express, July 18

    Larry Robinson took responsibility for accepting a $237 million gift that is now on hold and under investigation.

  27. How Yale Propelled J.D. Vance’s Career National, July 17

    The G.O.P. vice-presidential nominee is remembered as a warm and personable student. But some are perplexed by what they see as his shift in ideology.

  28. Ella es Usha Vance, la esposa de J. D. Vance En español, July 17

    Hija de inmigrantes indios y abogada, ella ha desempeñado un papel discreto pero importante en el ascenso político de su marido.

  29. U.S. Accuses Former C.I.A. Analyst of Working for South Korea Metro, July 16

    Sue Mi Terry, a North Korea expert with the Council on Foreign Relations, was charged with acting as an agent for Seoul after leaving the intelligence agency.

  30. Bangladesh Deploys Border Force to Try to Quell Student Protests Foreign, July 16

    Across the country, students have taken to the streets over job quotas that they say limit their opportunities.

  31. At Paint Rock, Centuries of Native American Artistry Science, July 16

    Glyphs and pictographs at a site in Texas represent generations of settlement by Indigenous peoples.

  32. Who Is Usha Vance, the Wife of J.D. Vance? Styles, July 15

    The two met at Yale Law School, and Ms. Vance has helped him along in his political rise ever since — including now as Donald J. Trump’s vice-presidential pick.

  33. Political Violence and Guns in America Letters, July 15

    Readers discuss heated rhetoric, lax gun laws, a security failure and more. Also: Tips for college; seeking common ground in a dialogue.

  34. Cross-Tabs: July 2024 Times/Siena Poll of the Likely Electorate in Virginia Interactive, July 15

    Results of a New York Times/Siena College poll conducted in Virginia among 661 likely voters from July 9 to 12, 2024.

  35. Cross-Tabs: July 2024 Times/Siena Poll of Registered Voters in Virginia Interactive, July 15

    Results of a New York Times/Siena College poll conducted in Virginia among 661 registered voters from July 9 to 12, 2024.

  36. Cross-Tabs: July 2024 Times/Siena Poll of the Likely Electorate in Pennsylvania Interactive, July 15

    Results of a New York Times/Siena College poll conducted in Pennsylvania among 872 likely voters from July 9 to 11, 2024.

  37. Cross-Tabs: July 2024 Times/Siena Poll of Registered Voters in Pennsylvania Interactive, July 15

    Results of a New York Times/Siena College poll conducted in Pennsylvania among 872 registered voters from July 9 to 11, 2024.

  38. Toplines: July 2024 Times/Siena Poll of Registered Voters in Pennsylvania Interactive, July 15

    Results of a New York Times/Siena College poll conducted in Pennsylvania among 872 registered voters from July 9 to 11, 2024.

  39. Toplines: July 2024 Times/Siena Poll of Registered Voters in Virginia Interactive, July 15

    Results of a New York Times/Siena College poll conducted in Virginia among 661 registered voters from July 9 to 12, 2024.

  40. Biden Facing Challenges in Two Must-Win States, Times/Siena Polls Find Politics, July 15

    The polls, taken before the assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump, found President Biden trailing Mr. Trump in Pennsylvania, a swing state critical to his re-election hopes, and slightly ahead in Virginia, a state he won by 10 points in 2020.

  41. ‘You Think, So You Can Dance?’ Science Is on It. Arts & Leisure, July 15

    The emerging field of dance neuroscience is finding that dance, with its multifaceted demands, engages the mind as intensively as the body.

  42. How Do You Tell Immigrant Stories? Dinaw Mengestu Has an Answer. Books, July 13

    The Ethiopian American novelist also talks aesthetics and the inspiration behind his most recent novel, “Someone Like Us.”

  43. Finding Closure at My Late Husband’s 50th College Reunion Styles, July 13

    A weekend of pickleball, scrambled eggs and tributes to the dead.

  44. 6 New Paperbacks to Read This Week Interactive, July 12

    Including titles by Rachel Louise Snyder, Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi, Michael McGarrity and more.

  45. ¿Alistando a tu hijo para la universidad? Esta lista podría serte útil En español, July 12

    Estas cosas no ocuparán mucho espacio en el auto pero ayudarán a mantener a tu nuevo universitario más seguro.

  46. Investigators Find No Evidence of Sexual Harassment in Seton Hall Case Metro, July 11

    The university’s former president sued the school, saying a former board chairman harassed his wife. A law firm the university hired said no witnesses substantiated the claims.

  47. Dorothy Lichtenstein, Philanthropist and a Rare ‘Artist’s Widow,’ Dies at 84 Obits, July 11

    A gregarious yet humble co-founder of the Roy Lichtenstein Foundation, she donated more than 1,000 of her husband’s works, notably to the Whitney Museum.

  48. A Class on Presidents That Doesn’t Mention Biden or Trump Metro, July 11

    At CUNY’s Baruch College, Natale Cipollina talks about Roosevelt, Johnson and Nixon. He makes presidential history relevant to today, students say.

  49. Los niños con autismo podrían tener un perfil de microbios intestinales único En español, July 11

    La investigación, que se basa en trabajos anteriores, podría dar lugar a una herramienta de diagnóstico más objetiva.

  50. William E. Burrows, Historian of the Space Age, Is Dead at 87 Obits, July 10

    In books and articles he wrote about the militarization of space and believed that investing in exploration would ultimately “protect Earth and guarantee the survival of humanity.”

  51. When Progressive Ideals Become a Luxury Op Ed, July 10

    On my journey from foster care to Yale, I developed a concept I call luxury beliefs.

  52. Para salvar la vida en la Tierra, hay que ponerles nombre a las especies En español, July 10

    La taxonomía, o la ciencia de poner nombre a las especies, ha sido víctima de un amplio cambio en nuestras prioridades científicas. Pero la necesitamos más que nunca.

  53. Statue Honoring Women and Justice Vandalized at University of Houston Weekend, July 9

    An anti-abortion group had previously denounced Shahzia Sikander’s sculpture as “satanic.” University officials said they are investigating the attack.

  54. N.Y.U. Settles Lawsuit by Students Who Claimed Antisemitic Harassment Metro, July 9

    The lawsuit was part of a wave of litigation against universities over accusations of antisemitism related to campus protests over the war in Gaza.

  55. Bloomberg’s $1 Billion Gift for Free Medical School Applies but Not to All National, July 9

    A donation from Bloomberg Philanthropies will provide free tuition for Johns Hopkins medical students, if their families make less than $300,000 a year.

  56. Second Patient to Receive a Genetically Modified Pig Kidney Has Died Science, July 9

    Lisa Pisano, 54, lived with the organ for 47 days. She was the first patient to receive both a heart pump and an organ transplant, doctors said.

  57. $1 Billion Bloomberg Gift to Hopkins Makes Tuition Free for Most Medical Students Express, July 8

    The gift, made by Michael R. Bloomberg’s philanthropic organization, will also cover living expenses for some Johns Hopkins University students.

  58. The Democratic Party Must Speak the Plain Truth to the President Editorial, July 8

    The longer Democrats delay in getting Biden to stand down, the harder it will be to replace him.

  59. Children With Autism Carry Unique Gut Flora, Study Finds Science, July 8

    The research, which builds on previous work, eventually may lead to a more objective diagnostic tool, scientists said.

  60. Did You Sell Your Home to Pay for Your Child’s College? We Want to Hear From You. Real Estate, July 8

    With the cost of college through the roof, some parents have sold their homes or taken out exorbitant loans to pay for their child’s degree. Share your story with us.

  61. A Wall Street Law Firm Wants to Define Consequences of Israel Protests Business, July 8

    Sullivan & Cromwell is requiring job applicants to explain their participation in protests. Critics see the policy as a way to silence speech about the war.

  62. Columbia Removes Three Deans, Saying Texts Touched on ‘Antisemitic Tropes’ Metro, July 8

    Nemat Shafik, the university president, called the sentiments in the text messages “unacceptable and deeply upsetting.”

  63. The Track Star Knew He Was Gay. Now Everyone Else Does. Foreign, July 8

    Trey Cunningham said friends and peers reacted to his decision to come out with a shrug. He wishes the same was true for other men in elite sports.

  64. To Save Life on Earth, Bring Back Taxonomy Op Ed, July 7

    Naming species has been a victim of a broad shift in our scientific priorities. But we need it more than ever.

  65. Yoshihiro Uchida, Peerless Judo Coach, Is Dead at 104 Obits, July 6

    A coach at San Jose State for seven decades, he helped establish the sport in America and trained generations of athletes, many of whom went to the Olympics.

  66. Keep Political Beliefs Out of Medical Care? Letters, July 6

    Readers discuss an article about how the Gaza war has been divisive at a hospital and medical school.

  67. What’s the Deal With All the Flags on the Jersey Shore? Insider, July 5

    One journalist, a resident of the beach town Avalon, N.J., wanted to find out.

  68. Notes From a Formerly Unpromising Young Person Op Ed, July 5

    I managed to find my way in life despite being expelled from high school. Could young people in the same situation today do the same?

  69. The first vaccine for malaria received major regulatory approval in 2015. Science, July 5

    After years of delay, millions of malaria vaccines are being supplied to children in Africa. Tens of thousands died waiting.

  70. Biden’s Slipping Support The Daily, July 4

    Donald J. Trump leads the presidential race by six percentage points among likely voters in a new national survey.

  71. A Divided America Agrees: We Deserve Better Than This Podcasts, July 4

    We convened a postdebate focus group with engaged voters who were united behind the idea that the country needed something other than President Biden vs. Donald Trump.

  72. Things to Take to College That You Can’t Buy at Target Business, July 4

    They won’t add bulk to the car or much cost to the bill, but they’ll help keep your college student safer. Pepperoni is also involved.

  73. The July 3 Thepoint live blog included one standalone post:
  74. Trump Widens Lead After Biden’s Debate Debacle, Times/Siena Poll Finds Politics, July 3

    Donald Trump is ahead of President Biden by six percentage points among likely voters in a new national survey. Overall, 74 percent of voters view Mr. Biden as too old for the job, an uptick since the debate.

  75. Toplines: July 2024 Times/Siena Poll of Registered Voters Nationwide Interactive, July 3

    Results of a nationwide New York Times/Siena College poll conducted among 1,532 registered voters from June 28 to July 2, 2024.

  76. Cross-Tabs: July 2024 Times/Siena Poll of Registered Voters Nationwide Interactive, July 3

    Results of a nationwide New York Times/Siena College poll conducted among 1,532 registered voters from June 28 to July 2, 2024.

  77. Cross-Tabs: July 2024 Times/Siena Poll of the Likely Electorate Interactive, July 3

    Results of a nationwide New York Times/Siena College poll conducted among 1,532 likely voters from June 28 to July 2, 2024.

  78. V. Craig Jordan, Who Discovered a Key Breast Cancer Drug, Dies at 76 Obits, July 3

    He found that a failed contraceptive, tamoxifen, could block the growth of cancer cells, opening up a whole new class of treatment.

  79. An Israeli air base is a source of GPS ‘spoofing’ attacks, researchers say. Foreign, July 3

    Misleading satellite signals have disrupted thousands of civilian flights. GPS, once considered navigation’s gold standard, is now vulnerable.

  80. Yale’s New President Pushed Policing as Head of Stony Brook University National, July 2

    In her four years at the state university, Maurie McInnis drew criticism from faculty members who said some of her decisions violated academic freedom.

  81. Northwestern Law School Accused of Bias Against White Men in Hiring National, July 2

    The lawsuit was filed a year after the Supreme Court struck down the use of racial and gender preferences in college admissions.

  82. Student Loan Borrowers Owe $1.6 Trillion. Nearly Half Aren’t Paying. Business, July 2

    Millions of people are overdue on their federal loans or still have them paused — and court rulings keep upending collection efforts.

  83. My Unlikely Path From Jail to Journalism Summary, July 2

    While serving a sentence for burglary, I enrolled in a college journalism class. When I interviewed my correctional officer, my world broadened.

  84. In a Staring Contest With Democratic Voters, Joe Biden Hasn’t Blinked Politics, July 1

    Around Mr. Biden, a siege mentality has set in post-debate, one at odds with the persistent concerns of voters who view him as too old to be effective.

  85. Mildred Thornton Stahlman, Pioneer in Neonatal Care, Dies at 101 Obits, June 30

    She developed one of the first modern intensive care units for premature babies, helping newborns to breathe with lifesaving new treatments.

  86. Ann Lurie, Nurse Who Became a Prominent Philanthropist, Is Dead at 79 Obits, June 29

    A former hippie who chafed at wealth, she married a Chicago real estate titan and, after his death, donated hundreds of millions in her adopted city and beyond.

  87. The World of Luxury Fruit: Does a $156 Melon Taste Sweeter? Express, June 29

    Fruit may be a staple. It can also be a status symbol prized for flavor, rarity and appearance.

  88. How a Trump-Beating, #MeToo Legal Legend Lost Her Firm Sunday Business, June 29

    Roberta Kaplan’s work as a lawyer made her a hero to the left. But behind the scenes, she was known for her poor treatment of colleagues.

  89. Embattled Alzheimer’s Researcher Is Charged With Fraud Science, June 28

    Hoau-Yan Wang, a professor at City College, published studies supporting simufilam, now in advanced clinical trials.

  90. Biden’s ‘Hard Night’ at Debate Surprises Voters Who Had High Expectations Politics, June 28

    Poll respondents who had thought the president would perform well expressed disappointment. ‘His communication fell down,’ one voter said.

  91. Key Debate Moments: A Night of Stumbles and Falsehoods, and More Podcasts, June 28

    Plus, Bronny James joins his dad at the Lakers.

  92. 5 Things to Do This Weekend Interactive, June 28

    A selection of entertainment highlights this weekend, including Season 3 of “The Bear.”

  93. Sewell Chan Named Editor of Columbia Journalism Review Business, June 27

    He joins after leading The Texas Tribune for three years.

  94. More Voters Expect a Stronger Debate for Trump Than for Biden, Poll Shows Politics, June 27

    A New York Times/Siena College poll shows Republicans with greater enthusiasm for their candidate.

  95. Was the Dingo Born to Be Wild? Science, June 27

    Burial remains from 800-2,000 years ago hint that the First Australians may have kept the continent’s famous canine species as pets.

  96. Schools Got a Record $190 Billion in Pandemic Aid. Did It Work? National, June 26

    Two new studies suggest that the largest single federal investment in U.S. schools improved student test scores, but only modestly.

  97. The One Thing Voters Remember About Trump Interactive, May 11

    We asked voters for the one thing they remembered most about the Trump era. Few of them cited major events like the pandemic and Jan. 6.

  98. Why Another University Might Benefit New York Metro, March 19

    According to a think tank’s analysis, another private college would attract the young talent that helps the city’s economy.

  99. Investing in Caregivers and Nursing Homes Letters, March 14

    Two readers call for more federal funding for care of the sick and the elderly. Also: Data on drivers; Covid lessons; diversity in college admissions.

  100. Long Covid May Lead to Measurable Cognitive Decline, Study Finds Science, February 28

    People with long Covid symptoms scored slightly lower on a cognitive test than people who had recovered. But long Covid patients who eventually got better scored as well as those whose symptoms did not last long.

  101. A Fern’s ‘Zombie’ Fronds Sprout Unusual Roots Science, February 25

    In the Panamanian rainforest, scientists found the first known plant species to transform decaying tissue into a new source of nutrients.

  102. New York Is Planning to Shutter a Major Brooklyn Teaching Hospital Metro, January 20

    Officials said some services would be transferred from University Hospital at Downstate to nearby facilities, and others, including primary care, could be expanded.

  103. What Costs $1,000 Per Student and Might Help Children Learn to Read? National, December 4

    A new study found that California schools got positive results from a targeted investment in the science of reading — even with the challenges of pandemic recovery.

  104. More States Now Require Financial Literacy Classes in High Schools Business, December 1

    The surge in offerings is a response to the pandemic, which revealed glaring income inequality, as well as inflation and the resumption of student loan payments, an expert said.

  105. Lab Leak Fight Casts Chill Over Virology Research Science, October 16

    Scientists doing “gain-of-function” research said that heightened fears of lab leaks are stalling studies that could thwart the next pandemic virus.

  106. Can Civics Lessons for the Young Help Mend Society? Letters, September 20

    Readers react to a guest essay by educators at Stanford. Also: The new Senate dress code; Ron DeSantis and vaccines.

  107. Luring Theater Audiences Back After Covid Letters, September 10

    Readers discuss the decline in theater subscribers after the pandemic. Also: Northern Ireland; food allergies; a Covid playmate; anti-China bias.

  108. Faulty Oxygen Readings Delayed Care to Black and Hispanic Covid Patients, Study Finds Science, August 24

    Pulse oximeters measuring oxygen in the blood often inflated the levels for dark-skinned Covid patients, who then experienced delayed care or an increased risk of hospital readmission, researchers found.

  109. How Ron DeSantis Joined the ‘Ruling Class’ — and Turned Against It Investigative, August 20

    Over the years, Mr. DeSantis embraced and exploited his Ivy League credentials. Now he is reframing his experiences at Yale and Harvard to wage a vengeful political war.

  110. The June 30 Student Loans Supreme Court Biden live blog included one standalone post:
  111. Anthony Fauci Will Join Faculty at Georgetown University Express, June 27

    Dr. Fauci was the federal government’s top infectious disease expert for decades, and helped steer the U.S. response to Covid-19.

  112. Dr. Ashish Jha, White House Covid Coordinator, Set to Depart This Month Washington, June 8

    Dr. Jha, who oversaw the Biden administration’s pandemic response as it wound down, will return to his post as dean of the School of Public Health at Brown University.

  113. What the Debt Ceiling Deal Means for Student Loan Payments Washington, May 30

    The legislation would prevent President Biden from issuing another last-minute extension on the payments beyond the end of the summer.

  114. Rosalind Franklin and Unsung Women in Science Letters, May 9

    Dr. Franklin and giving credit to women for their scientific contributions. Also: New College of Florida; Black unemployment; housing solutions; Covid risks.

  115. After Long Delay, Moderna Pays N.I.H. for Covid Vaccine Technique Science, February 23

    Moderna has paid $400 million to the government for a chemical technique key to its vaccine. But the parties are still locked in a high-stakes dispute over a different patent.

  116. Three Years Into Covid, We Still Don’t Know How to Talk About It Interactive, February 22

    Most Americans think they know the story of the pandemic. But when a writer immersed himself in a Covid oral-history project, he realized how much we’re still missing.

  117. Opening Up Jobs for Those Without a College Degree Letters, February 7

    Readers react to an editorial urging employers to consider skills and experience, not just degrees. Also: Long Covid; Trump, RINO; online romance scams.

  118. Students Lost One-Third of a School Year to Pandemic, Study Finds Science, January 30

    Learning delays and regressions were most severe in developing countries and among children from low-income backgrounds. And students still haven’t caught up.

  119. Your Tuesday Briefing: Chinese ‘Zero Covid’ Workers Revolt N Y T Now, January 16

  120. Leader of Biden’s Covid Vaccine Effort Is Stepping Down Washington, January 13

    Dr. David A. Kessler took over Operation Warp Speed when President Biden entered office, and his departure signals the end of the program.

  121. The Coronavirus May Spread From Corpses, Scientists Report Science, December 15

    Family members and health care workers should take precautions, experts said.

  122. There’s a Reason There Aren’t Enough Teachers in America. Many Reasons, Actually. Op Ed, December 14

    We are going about education reform all wrong.

  123. Even as China Eases Covid Rules, Some Youths Still Fear a Grim Future Business, December 10

    A sluggish economy continues to leave many young people unemployed, with few job prospects or hopes to tap into the rising incomes their parents enjoyed during boom times.

  124. Your Monday Briefing: The Social Cost of ‘Zero Covid’ National, December 4

    Plus, Iran abolishes the morality police and Russia vows to defy an oil price cap.

  125. Supreme Court to Hear Student Debt Forgiveness Case U.S., December 1

    The justices left in place an injunction blocking the Biden administration’s authority to forgive up to $20,000 in debt per borrower.

  126. A Protest? A Vigil? In Beijing, Anxious Crowds Are Unsure How Far to Go. Foreign, November 28

    In a country where protests are swiftly quashed, many who gathered to voice their discontent — under the watchful eye of the police — were uncertain about how far to go.

  127. Memes, Puns and Blank Sheets of Paper: China’s Creative Acts of Protest Foreign, November 28

    In a country where the authorities have little tolerance for open dissent, demonstrators against Covid restrictions have turned to more subtle methods.

  128. What if You Could Go to the Hospital … at Home? Science, November 19

    Hospital-at-home care is an increasingly common option, and it is often a safer one for older adults. But the future of the approach depends on federal action.

  129. Covid Almost Broke This Hospital. It Also Might Be What Saves It. Metropolitan, November 17

    For decades, smaller “safety net” hospitals like Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, in Brooklyn, have been losing money and are under pressure to close. But the pandemic has shown just how needed they are.

  130. ¿La pandemia te cambió la personalidad? Probablemente en Español, November 17

    El coronavirus lleva dos años perturbando la vida social. Un estudio reciente sugiere que ahora somos menos extrovertidos, creativos, afables y meticulosos, sobre todo los jóvenes.

  131. The Pandemic Generation Goes to College. It Has Not Been Easy. National, November 1

    Students missed a lot of high school instruction. Now many are behind, especially in math, and getting that degree could be harder.

  132. Did the Pandemic Change Your Personality? Possibly. Express, October 22

    For more than two years, Covid disrupted social rituals and rites of passage. Now a recent study suggests we have become less extroverted, creative, agreeable and conscientious. The declines in some traits were sharper among young people.

  133. Lab Manipulations of Covid Virus Fall Under Murky Government Rules Science, October 22

    Mouse experiments at Boston University have spotlighted an ambiguous U.S. policy for research on potentially dangerous pathogens.

  134. Laura Anglin, a Leading New York State and City Official, Dies at 57 Obits, October 18

    She was budget director in Albany and “was one of the unsung heroes” in helping to shape the pandemic response as a deputy mayor under Bill de Blasio.

  135. Back to School and Back to Normal. Or at Least Close Enough. Special Sections, October 6

    As school began this year, we sent reporters to find out how much — or how little — has changed since the pandemic changed everything.

  136. With Online Learning, ‘Let’s Take a Breath and See What Worked and Didn’t Work’ Special Sections, October 6

    The massive expansion of online higher education created a worldwide laboratory to finally assess its value and its future.

  137. ¿Quién tenía la culpa de que los alumnos de la Universidad de Nueva York estuvieran reprobando química orgánica? en Español, October 5

    Maitland Jones, un profesor respetado, defendió sus estándares. Pero los estudiantes hicieron un reclamo y la universidad lo despidió.

  138. At N.Y.U., Students Were Failing Organic Chemistry. Who Was to Blame? National, October 3

    Maitland Jones Jr., a respected professor, defended his standards. But students started a petition, and the university dismissed him.

  139. Marc Lewitinn, Covid Patient, Dies at 76 After 850 Days on a Ventilator Obits, September 9

    While no definitive statistics exist, doctors say Mr. Lewitinn, a retired Manhattan store owner, likely remained on the device longer than any other Covid patient.

  140. Remote Scan of Student’s Room Before Test Violated His Privacy, Judge Rules Express, August 25

    A federal judge said Cleveland State University violated the Fourth Amendment when it used software to scan a student’s bedroom, a practice that has grown during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  141. Down and Dirty in Virus-Laden Sewage, for Journalism Insider, August 23

    For an article on wastewater disease surveillance, Times journalists descended underground to look inside a New York City sewage pipe.

  142. Lo que debes saber para proteger a tus hijos de la viruela del mono en Español, August 22

    Según los expertos, los niños no tienen riesgo alto de infección. Pero ofrecen consejos para cuidar a todos en el regreso a clases, desde los más pequeños hasta los universitarios.

  143. Cómo lloramos a las víctimas de covid en Español, August 18

    En Inglaterra, unos artistas encendieron una estructura en llamas. En la costa de Jersey, se grabaron nombres en conchas y rocas. Con más de seis millones de muertos, los monumentos conmemorativos han ido evolucionando.

  144. How to Protect Against Monkeypox as School Starts Well, August 17

    Experts say children are not at a high risk of infection. But they have advice to keep everyone — from toddlers to college kids — safe.

  145. Wastewater Disease Tracking: A Photographic Journey From the Sewer to the Lab Interactive, August 17

    Here’s how a scrappy team of scientists, public health experts and plumbers is embracing wastewater surveillance as the future of disease tracking.

  146. How We Mourn Covid’s Victims Express, August 9

    In Britain, artists lit a structure aflame. At the Jersey Shore, names were carved on shells and rocks. With more than six million dead, memorials have evolved along the way.

  147. Your Monday Briefing N Y T Now, July 25

    Russia looks to Africa.

  148. Two Years Later, We Still Don’t Understand Long Covid. Why? Op Ed, June 21

    Dr. Lekshmi Santhosh parses what research has illuminated about long Covid, and what questions remain.

  149. ‘Don’t Lose Hope’: Addressing the Breakdown of College Education Op Ed, June 5

    Jonathan Malesic responds to readers concerned about the breakdown in college students’ learning since Covid.

  150. College Enrollment Drops, Even as the Pandemic’s Effects Ebb National, May 26

    A generation of students may be weighing the value of college versus its cost, questioning whether college is still the ticket to the middle class.