
  1. Can Robert Menendez’s Bribery Conviction Survive an Appeal? Metro, July 22

    The Supreme Court has narrowed the legal definition of corruption, with political figures in New York and elsewhere having their convictions overturned as a result.

  2. Antisemitism on Campuses, Ivy and Beyond Letters, July 21

    Responses to a column by Bret Stephens. Also: Pharmacy benefit managers; the Supreme Court; a potential second Trump term and the environment.

  3. Hunter Biden, Citing Trump’s Classified Documents Ruling, Seeks Dismissal of Cases Washington, July 18

    Mr. Biden’s legal team pointed to a decision by a federal judge in Florida, who ruled that the special counsel in Mr. Trump’s case, Jack Smith, had been unconstitutionally appointed.

  4. Why Running Against Trump Has Just Become So Much Harder Op Ed, July 18

    For his convention speech, Donald Trump faces a new, more promising rhetorical and political situation.

  5. The Surprise Ending to the Mar-a-Lago Documents Case The Daily, July 17

    Judge Aileen Cannon’s move to throw out the case against former President Donald J. Trump could have far-reaching implications.

  6. How the Trump Prosecutions Could End Up Weakening Prosecutors Washington, July 16

    The effort to hold Donald Trump to account has already yielded a Supreme Court decision giving former presidents broad immunity. Now another case could make prosecuting political figures more complicated.

  7. Biden Considers Pushing for Major Changes to the Supreme Court Washington, July 16

    The proposals include term limits for the justices and an enforceable code of ethics. But they would need congressional approval, which is a long shot.

  8. A ‘Breathtaking’ Dismissal of the Trump Documents Case Letters, July 16

    Readers strongly disagree with Judge Aileen Cannon’s decision.

  9. What Trump 2.0 Could Mean for the Environment Climate, July 16

    If Donald Trump returns to the White House, he would likely face fewer legal and bureaucratic obstacles to dramatically remake the E.P.A.

  10. The Dismissal of the Trump Classified Documents Case Is Deeply Dangerous Op Ed, July 16

    Eight federal judges have rejected the claim that Judge Aileen Cannon has now endorsed that no law authorizes the appointment of a special counsel.

  11. The July 15 Thepoint live blog included one standalone post:
  12. Cannon’s Dismissal of Trump Case Rejects Precedents of Higher Courts Washington, July 15

    Her decision rejected what the Supreme Court said in its landmark ruling in 1974.

  13. At a Trump Rally, a Shocking Act of Violence Letters, July 14

    Responses to the assassination attempt against the former president. Also: Abortion and the Supreme Court; children’s online behavior; body image; driving apps.

  14. America’s Gerontocracy Problem Goes Far Beyond the President Op Ed, July 14

    It is a social form of sclerosis that will persist unless and until more power is transferred from the wrinkled to the rest.

  15. Abe Krash, Who Fought for a Constitutional Right to Counsel, Dies at 97 Obits, July 13

    He provided the research and drafts that helped bring about the Supreme Court’s landmark Gideon v. Wainwright decision in 1963.

  16. The 4 Ways I See This Going With Trump Op Ed, July 13

    He is closer than ever to a second term, but what that would bring remains unclear.

  17. The Nazi Jurist Who Haunts Our Broken Politics Book Review, July 13

    A contempt for compromise. An expansive vision of executive power. Both owe much to Carl Schmitt.

  18. After Homelessness Ruling, Cities Weigh Whether to Clear Encampments National, July 13

    The Supreme Court decided last month that cities could cite homeless campers. Some say ‘clear them all.’ Others are ramping up outreach.

  19. Court Grants Party of Imprisoned Former Leader More Seats in Pakistan’s Parliament Foreign, July 12

    A ruling by Pakistan’s top court strips the governing coalition of its two-thirds majority, and thrusts the party of Imran Khan back onto the political main stage.

  20. John Roberts Makes His Bid for Infamy Op Ed, July 12

    The chief justice and his allies have rewritten the Constitution to make it say what they want it to say.

  21. The Supreme Court Is Gaslighting Us All Editorial, July 12

    But the conservative justices can’t distance themselves from the significant damage they have caused.

  22. Trump Cites Immunity and Asks Judge to Throw Out Hush-Money Conviction Metro, July 11

    A recent Supreme Court ruling should nullify the guilty verdict in Donald Trump’s Manhattan trial, his lawyers said. The argument could be a long shot.

  23. A Changed Landscape N Y T Now, July 11

    As Donald Trump heads to the Republican convention, his criminal cases look a lot less threatening.

  24. ‘The Justices Dropped This Bomb’: Three Legal Experts on a Shocking Supreme Court Term Op Ed, July 11

    Reflections on the remarkable end to the Supreme Court term.

  25. Harris Sharpens Her Attacks on Trump Washington, July 10

    The vice president told a crowd of roughly 20,000 in Dallas that former President Donald J. Trump had said he would terminate the Constitution in a second term.

  26. Cohen Asks the Supreme Court to Let Him Sue Trump Over His Imprisonment Metro, July 10

    For decades, the court has been reluctant to allow lawsuits against individual federal officials. Donald Trump’s fixer-turned-nemesis believes he has found an exception.

  27. Ocasio-Cortez Files Impeachment Articles Against Justices Alito and Thomas Politics, July 10

    Impeachment has no realistic chance of advancing in the Republican-controlled House, but it speaks to a motivating issue for Democrats: the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority.

  28. Trump 2025 Is Coming Into View Op Ed, July 10

    In the case of the former president, it is far more dangerous to underestimate than to overestimate his capacity to wreak havoc.

  29. U.S. Marshal Shoots Man in Attempted Carjacking Near Sotomayor’s Home Washington, July 10

    The marshal was sitting in an unmarked federal vehicle near the Supreme Court justice’s home when a man approached the vehicle and pointed a handgun at him through the driver’s side window.

  30. Democrats Seek Criminal Investigation of Justice Thomas Over Travel and Gifts Washington, July 10

    The senators said the Supreme Court justice’s failure to disclose lavish gifts and luxury travel showed a “willful pattern of disregard for ethics laws.”

  31. States and Creditors for Purdue Pharma Threaten Sacklers With Gush of Lawsuits Science, July 9

    Legal maneuverings followed a Supreme Court ruling last month that denied the Sackler family immunity from liability over its role in the opioid crisis.

  32. Stay or Go? The Biden Storm Rages. Letters, July 9

    Readers lament and support the president’s refusal to heed calls to step aside. Also: Televised therapy; Supreme Court rulings.

  33. Immunity Ruling Leaves Judge Facing Tough Calls on Trump’s Election Indictment Washington, July 9

    The Supreme Court decision granting former presidents broad protection from prosecution kicked to the trial court key rulings about how much of Donald Trump’s indictment on election charges can stand.

  34. Trump’s Next Supreme Court Picks Would Break the Mold Op Ed, July 9

    He is gravitating toward the extreme fringes of the conservative legal world.

  35. Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Independent Streak Marked Supreme Court Term Washington, July 8

    The junior member of the court’s six-justice conservative supermajority often questioned its approach and wrote important dissents joined by liberal justices.

  36. The Supreme Court Is Not Done Remaking America The Daily, July 8

    Some of the rulings that came before the justices’ decision on presidential immunity could prove to have just as big an impact.

  37. Biden Campaign Ad Targets Trump on Abortion Politics, July 8

    After President Biden’s rocky answer on abortion at the debate, his campaign has ramped up its messaging on Donald Trump’s role in overturning Roe v. Wade and his policy stances.

  38. The Most Interesting Justice on the Supreme Court Is Also the Loneliest Op Ed, July 8

    Justice Amy Coney Barrett has found her voice.

  39. What Happened to the Originalism of the Originalists? Op Ed, July 7

    In both Trump cases the liberal dissenters are more originalist than the conservative majority.

  40. Judge Delays Some Deadlines in Trump Classified Documents Case Washington, July 6

    The postponement was likely to cause only minor delays to the case, which has already slowed to a crawl with Judge Aileen Cannon’s previous decisions.

  41. Whoever the Democratic Candidate Is, Americans Have Already Lost Op Ed, July 6

    The American republic feels fragile.

  42. After Immunity Ruling, Trump Seeks Delay of Classified Documents Case Washington, July 5

    The former president’s lawyers asked to freeze nearly all proceedings while they sort out whether the Supreme Court decision applies to charges focused on actions after he left the White House.

  43. A Principled Supreme Court, Unnerved by Trump Op Ed, July 5

    Most of the court’s decisions were principled and sound — most, but unfortunately not all.

  44. El fallo de la Corte Suprema sobre la inmunidad presidencial preocupa a los aliados de EE. UU. En español, July 5

    Aunque los gobernantes gozan de inmunidad limitada mientras ocupan el cargo en países como Japón y Australia, no existe nada similar a las amplias protecciones que la corte parece haber concedido en su fallo.

  45. Puntos clave del fallo de la Corte Suprema sobre inmunidad presidencial En español, July 4

    El tribunal declaró que los expresidentes tienen inmunidad por sus acciones oficiales. Este fallo revela cómo los jueces conservadores ven el poder del líder de la nación.

  46. There Is Apparently No Accountability — Ever — for Donald Trump Op Ed, July 4

    Impeachments, bankruptcies, fraud judgments, felonies. Nothing sticks. Nothing matters.

  47. Your Religious Values Are Not American Values Op Ed, July 4

    Christian nationalists aim to impose their beliefs on others.

  48. Legal Conservatives’ Long Game: Amp Up Presidential Power but Kneecap Federal Agencies Washington, July 4

    Blockbuster decisions by the Supreme Court’s Republican-appointed supermajority — expanding one kind of executive branch authority while undercutting another — were no contradiction.

  49. How a Fractured Supreme Court Ruled this Term Video, July 3

    The Supreme Court has had a volatile term, taking on a stunning array of major disputes and assuming a commanding role in shaping American society and democracy. Adam Liptak and Abbie VanSickle, supreme court reporters at The New York Times, expla...

  50. U.S. Allies See a Worrisome Turn in Presidential Immunity Ruling Foreign, July 3

    Legal experts say the U.S. Supreme Court ruling pushes past most of the norms in effect among American allies, adding more concern about the reliability of U.S. power.

  51. A Dismissed Abortion Case Points to Internal Tensions and Dysfunction at the Supreme Court Op Ed, July 3

    The court dismisses an abortion case it now says it should never have accepted, opening a window on internal tensions.

  52. In Immunity Decision, Clashing Views of the Nature of Politics Washington, July 3

    The Supreme Court’s conservative majority largely embraced Donald Trump’s dark view of tit-for-tat partisan prosecutions while liberals cited the prospect of power unchecked by legal accountability.

  53. Architects of the Trump Supreme Court See Culmination of Conservative Push Washington, July 3

    For Donald F. McGahn II, the former White House counsel, and Senator Mitch McConnell, the Kentucky Republican, sweeping anti-regulatory rulings are the big payoff of their drive to reshape the federal courts.

  54. Lo que el fallo sobre la inmunidad presidencial significa para futuros mandatarios de EE. UU. En español, July 3

    Más allá de Donald Trump, la decisión se suma a la expansión aparentemente unidireccional de la autoridad ejecutiva.

  55. ¿Qué sigue para Trump tras el fallo de la Corte Suprema sobre la inmunidad presidencial? En español, July 3

    Analistas y observadores ya preveían, a grandes rasgos, la decisión que establece que los presidentes merecen protección considerable por sus actos oficiales. Trump lo proclamó como una victoria.

  56. Supreme Court’s Immunity Ruling Adds Major Hurdle for Georgia Trump Case National, July 2

    Determining which of the alleged acts that Donald Trump is being prosecuted for in the state were official conduct, and which were not, could delay the case for months.

  57. Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Life Sentences for Juveniles in Arizona Washington, July 2

    Three justices dissented in the case, which could affect more than two dozen youths sentenced to die in prison.

  58. Breaking Down the Supreme Court’s Ruling on Trump’s Immunity Video, July 2

    The Supreme Court’s decision to grant presidents immunity from prosecution over official actions is an extraordinary expansion of executive power. Charlie Savage, a reporter for The New York Times, analyzes the ruling by the court’s conservative m...

  59. The Uproar Over the Immunity Ruling Letters, July 2

    Lawyers and other readers discuss the landmark Supreme Court decision. Also: A ruling on corruption; doctors and abortion bans; religion in public schools.

  60. Supreme Court Won’t Hear Cases on High-Powered Rifles and Disarming Felons Washington, July 2

    The court, which issued two major decisions on guns in the term that ended Monday, does not seem ready to return to the subject.

  61. How Media Outlets on the Left and Right Covered the Trump Immunity Decision Business, July 2

    Liberal outlets criticized the ruling as a biased move from a conservative Supreme Court. Conservative commentators admonished Democrats for opposing it.

  62. Judge Delays Trump’s Sentencing Until Sept. 18 After Immunity Claim Metro, July 2

    Donald J. Trump’s lawyers want to argue that a Supreme Court decision giving presidents immunity for official acts should void his felony conviction for covering up hush money paid to a porn star.

  63. In a Volatile Term, a Fractured Supreme Court Remade America Washington, July 2

    Amid signs of dysfunction and disarray, Chief Justice John Roberts reasserted his authority, while the influence of Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito waned.

  64. Presidential Immunity N Y T Now, July 2

    What the Supreme Court’s ruling means for Donald Trump, and how it may reshape presidential power for years to come.

  65. Trump Wins Broad Immunity The Daily, July 2

    What the Supreme Court decision means for the former president, and for the presidency itself.

  66. The Supreme Court Made a ‘Monumentally Awful’ Decision Op Ed, July 2

    Presidential immunity never existed in America. Until now.

  67. The Supreme Court Creates a Lawless Presidency Op Ed, July 2

    It is increasingly clear that this court sees itself as something other than a participant in our democratic system.

  68. Mr. President, Your Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card Is Ready Op Ed, July 2

    The Nixonian theory of presidential power is now enshrined as constitutional law.

  69. The First Amendment Is Out of Control Op Ed, July 2

    Big Tech is increasingly safe from government regulation.

  70. La Corte Suprema le da un pase libre a Trump y a futuros presidentes En español, July 2

    El principio básico de que los presidentes no están por encima de la ley se ha dejado de lado, lo que se traduce en un paso hacia la monarquía

  71. Immunity Ruling Escalates Long Rise of Presidential Power Washington, July 2

    Beyond Donald J. Trump, the decision adds to the seemingly one-way ratchet of executive authority.

  72. Supreme Court’s Immunity Decision Sets ‘Dangerous Precedent,’ Biden Says Video, July 2

    President Biden spoke after the Supreme Court’s ruling that former President Donald J. Trump is entitled to substantial immunity from prosecution on charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election.

  73. Clarence Thomas Raised Another Issue: Was Jack Smith Legally Appointed? Washington, July 1

    In his concurrence to the immunity decision, the justice questioned whether there was a legal basis for naming the special counsel — a topic also being explored by the judge in the documents case.

  74. What the Supreme Court’s Immunity Decision Means for Trump Politics, July 1

    The decision most likely delays Donald Trump’s Jan. 6 case past the election, and if he wins in November, people close to him expect the Justice Department to drop the charges.

  75. Biden Warns That Supreme Court’s Immunity Ruling Will Embolden Trump Washington, July 1

    The president, under scrutiny since his damaging debate appearance last week, did not stumble or falter during his brief remarks.

  76. The Supreme Court Gives a Free Pass to Trump and Future Presidents Editorial, July 1

    In a step toward monarchy, the bedrock principle that presidents are not above the law has been set aside.

  77. Ruling Further Slows Trump Election Case but Opens Door to Airing of Evidence Washington, July 1

    The Supreme Court’s immunity decision directed the trial court to hold hearings on what portions of the indictment can survive — a possible chance for prosecutors to set out their case in public before Election Day.

  78. How to Get Voters the Facts They Need Without a Trump Jan. 6 Trial Op Ed, July 1

    An evidentiary hearing in federal court could lay out previously undisclosed information.

  79. Highlights of the Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential Immunity Washington, July 1

    Key excerpts from the decision reveal how the court’s conservative majority views the power of the nation’s leader.

  80. Fallo de la Corte Suprema en caso de inmunidad presidencial favorece a Trump En español, July 1

    El tribunal determinó que el expresidente tiene presunta inmunidad en sus conductas oficiales, y que toca a los tribunales de primera instancia distinguirlas de las no oficiales.

  81. Trump Moves to Overturn Manhattan Conviction, Citing Immunity Decision Metro, July 1

    Former President Donald J. Trump took the action hours after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling granted him immunity for official acts committed in office.

  82. The Trump Decision Reveals Deep Rot in the System Op Ed, July 1

    Instead of delivering a judgment many months ago and allowing the trial to proceed, the justices gave Trump the gift of delay piled upon delay.

  83. Contentious Court Rulings: Immunity, Regulation and the Homeless Letters, July 1

    Readers discuss some of the major decisions at the end of the court’s term.

  84. Anticipation and Family Members of Some Justices Filled the Court for the Momentous Decision Washington, July 1

    The final day of the current Supreme Court term included some of the most eagerly awaited decisions.

  85. The July 1 Thepoint live blog included two standalone posts:
  86. Vehement Dissent From Supreme Court’s Liberal Wing Laments Vast Expansion of Presidential Power Washington, July 1

    The three Democratic appointees railed against the ruling that former President Donald J. Trump has some immunity for his official actions, declaring that their colleagues had made the president into “a king above the law.”

  87. Supreme Court Says Trump Has Some Immunity in Election Case Washington, July 1

    The ruling makes a distinction between official actions of a president, which have immunity, and those of a private citizen. In dissent, the court’s liberals lament a vast expansion of presidential power.

  88. Supreme Court Declines to Rule on Tech Platforms’ Free Speech Rights Washington, July 1

    The justices unanimously returned two cases, which concerned state laws that supporters said were aimed at “Silicon Valley censorship,” to lower courts. Critics had said the laws violated the sites’ First Amendment rights.

  89. Supreme Court Extends Time Frame for Challenges to Regulations Washington, July 1

    The ruling could amplify the impact of a separate decision overturning the Chevron doctrine, which had required courts to defer to executive agencies’ interpretations of statutes.

  90. The July 1 Trump Immunity Supreme Court live blog included one standalone post:
  91. Trump Awaits Immunity Ruling, and the French Far Right Wins Big Podcasts, July 1

    Plus, Hurricane Beryl threatens the Caribbean.

  92. Will One Bad Debate Night Mean One Bad Election Day? Op Ed, July 1

    Americans are owed better from the Democratic Party.

  93. The Supreme Court Puts the Pro-Life Movement to the Test Op Ed, June 30

    Rarely has a case had less legal meaning and greater moral weight.

  94. The Imperial Supreme Court Op Ed, June 29

    The court swept aside a precedent that endangers countless regulations — and transfers power from the executive branch to Congress and the courts.

  95. The Dramatic Dangers of a Second Biden Administration Op Ed, June 29

    A second Biden term would be unusually dangerous for the country in a very significant way.

  96. A String of Supreme Court Decisions Hits Hard at Environmental Rules Climate, June 29

    Four cases backed by conservative activists in recent years have combined to diminish the power of the Environmental Protection Agency.

  97. Supreme Court Ruling Reflects Challenges of Jan. 6 Prosecutions Washington, June 28

    In finding that prosecutors misused an obstruction law to charge rioters, the justices highlighted the lack of an established legal blueprint for addressing an attack on the foundations of democracy.

  98. She Needed an Emergency Abortion. Doctors in Idaho Put Her on a Plane. National, June 28

    In states that have banned abortion, hospitals have struggled to treat pregnant women facing health risks. A Supreme Court decision this week did not help.

  99. The Bible in Public Schools? Oklahoma Pushes Limits of Long Tradition. National, June 28

    The Bible has a deep history in American classrooms, but the state’s provocative superintendent wants to broadly expand its influence.

  100. Weakening Regulatory Agencies Will Be a Key Legacy of the Roberts Court Washington, June 28

    Two rulings this week by the Republican-appointed majority add to its steady pursuit of enfeebling the ability of the administrative state to impose rules on powerful business interests.

  101. Supreme Court Rejects Bannon’s Appeal to Delay Prison Sentence Washington, June 28

    Stephen Bannon will have to begin serving four months in prison on Monday, after the court turned aside his request to remain free while he appeals his conviction for contempt of Congress.

  102. A Dark Day for Democrats Washington, June 28

    The combination of President Biden’s debate performance and adverse Supreme Court rulings left Democrats reeling and in despair with elections not far off.

  103. First the Debate, Then a Supreme Court Ruling: Trump’s Big 24 Hours Politics, June 28

    Successive successes reinvigorated Donald Trump’s campaign a month after he became the first major party nominee convicted of a felony.

  104. The Supreme Court Thinks That by Arguing More, We Can Be Less Divided Op Ed, June 28

    Everyone in our system, including judges and members of Congress, will be nudged to do their proper constitutional work.

  105. Regulatory Agencies Suffered Their Latest Blow in Chevron Ruling Washington, June 28

    The Supreme Court’s conservative majority has made it easier to sue agencies and get their rules struck down.

  106. Supreme Court Ruling Could Undermine Treasury Department and I.R.S. Washington, June 28

    The decision overturning a longstanding precedent is likely to spawn challenges to dozens of tax regulations.

  107. Conservative Christian Activists See Opportunity in Supreme Court Ruling U.S., June 28

    The decision overturning a precedent known as Chevron deference was celebrated by those who would target medication abortion and rights for transgender people.

  108. Justices Thomas and Alito Ignored Calls for Recusal in Jan. 6 Case Washington, June 28

    Experts in legal ethics have said that the activities of the justices’ wives raised serious questions about their impartiality.

  109. Supreme Court Ruling Could Put the F.D.A. in the Cross Hairs of Its Critics Washington, June 28

    Challenges could range from whether tainted spinach can be traced back to a farm to a decision on whether drugs are safe and effective enough to be sold in the United States.

  110. Here’s What the Court’s Chevron Ruling Could Mean in Everyday Terms Climate, June 28

    The decision is expected to prompt a rush of litigation challenging regulations across the entire federal government, from food safety to the environment.

  111. Supreme Court Says Prosecutors Overstepped With Jan. 6 Charge Washington, June 28

    The ruling that the Justice Department misused a 2002 law in charging a pro-Trump rioter who entered the Capitol could have an impact on hundreds of other cases, including one against Donald Trump.

  112. Justices Limit Power of Federal Agencies, Imperiling an Array of Regulations Washington, June 28

    A foundational 1984 decision had required courts to defer to agencies’ reasonable interpretations of ambiguous statutes, underpinning regulations on health care, safety and the environment.

  113. The June 28 Supreme Court Chevron live blog included one standalone post:
  114. Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Sleeping Outdoors in Homelessness Case Washington, June 28

    The case is likely to have broad ramifications for how cities across the country respond to homelessness.

  115. Supreme Court’s Abortion Rulings May Set the Stage for More Restrictions Washington, June 28

    The court’s strategy of avoidance and delay cannot last and may have been shaped by a desire to avoid controversy in an election year.

  116. La Corte Suprema rechaza impugnación republicana a que el gobierno de Biden contacte a empresas de redes sociales En español, June 28

    El caso, uno de varios que se centran en cómo se aplica la Primera Enmienda a las plataformas tecnológicas, fue desestimado porque los demandantes carecían de pruebas para legitimar sus reclamos.

  117. MAGA Is Not Getting Everything It Wants From the Supreme Court Op Ed, June 27

    The Trumpist right is presenting aggressive legal theories that fail again and again.

  118. On the End of the Line, Hundreds of Frantic Voices Seek Help National, June 27

    A reporter observed a day of messages to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. She does not know the callers’ names, but she’ll never forget their stories.

  119. Covering the Final, Chaotic Days of the Supreme Court Term Summary, June 27

    It’s a busy time for a reporter on the Supreme Court beat, with momentous decisions coming down one after another.

  120. Study Finds Small Streams, Recently Stripped of Protections, Are a Big Deal Climate, June 27

    Half of the water flowing through regional river basins starts in so-called ephemeral streams. Last year, the Supreme Court curtailed federal protections for these waterways.

  121. Fact-Checking Biden’s and Trump’s Claims on Domestic Policy Washington, June 27

    We scrutinized the presidential candidates’ recent claims on abortion, health care, crime and climate change ahead of the debate.

  122. Purdue Opioid Settlement on Verge of Collapse After Supreme Court Ruling Science, June 27

    Plaintiffs and the company vowed to renegotiate but the talks will be challenging after the court struck down a provision the Sacklers had insisted on in exchange for $6 billion.

  123. Supreme Court Allows, for Now, Emergency Abortions in Idaho Washington, June 27

    A majority of the justices voted to dismiss the case, reinstating a lower-court ruling that paused the state’s near-total abortion ban. The ruling mirrored a version inadvertently posted a day earlier.

  124. Again Curbing Regulatory Agencies, Supreme Court Rejects S.E.C.’s Tribunals Washington, June 27

    Common in executive agencies, such tribunals hear enforcement actions without juries — a practice the court’s conservative supermajority said violated the Constitution.

  125. Supreme Court Jeopardizes Opioid Deal, Rejecting Protections for Sacklers Washington, June 27

    The justices rejected a bankruptcy settlement maneuver that would have protected members of the Sackler family from civil claims related to the opioid epidemic.

  126. Supreme Court Blocks Biden Plan on Air Pollution Washington, June 27

    Three states challenged the administration’s “good neighbor” plan, meant to protect downwind states from harmful emissions.

  127. What to Watch for in Today’s Elections, and More Podcasts, November 7

    Plus, a gun rights case at the Supreme Court and WeWork’s bankruptcy filing.

  128. Supreme Court to Hear N.R.A.’s Free Speech Case Against New York Official Washington, November 3

    The case is the second one this term asking the justices to decide when government activity crosses the line to become coercion forbidden by the First Amendment.

  129. The June 30 Student Loans Supreme Court Biden live blog included one standalone post:
  130. What the Debt Ceiling Deal Means for Student Loan Payments Washington, May 30

    The legislation would prevent President Biden from issuing another last-minute extension on the payments beyond the end of the summer.

  131. Neil Gorsuch Has Given Himself Away Op Ed, May 23

    A justice who frequently struggles to see injustice and cruelty in the present will surely struggle to see injustice and cruelty in the past.

  132. Supreme Court Dismisses Case on Pandemic-Era Immigration Measure Washington, May 18

    The justices acted after the Biden administration announced that the health emergency used to justify the measure, Title 42, was ending.

  133. Biden Is Running on His Record (and Away From It) Washington, April 25

    President Biden has acknowledged that he has not accomplished all he wished to. But that, he maintains, is an argument for his re-election.

  134. Video Testimony in the Covid Era Faces a Constitutional Test Washington, March 20

    Two criminal defendants have asked the Supreme Court to decide whether remote testimony against them violated the Sixth Amendment’s confrontation clause.

  135. Supreme Court Hints That It May Duck Two Big Cases Washington, March 7

    Recent orders suggest that the justices are thinking of dismissing cases involving the “independent state legislature” theory and Title 42, an immigration measure imposed during the pandemic.

  136. The February 28 Student Loans Supreme Court live blog included one standalone post:
  137. Supreme Court Appears Skeptical of Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan U.S., February 28

    The administration faced a conservative court that has insisted that government initiatives with major political and economic consequences be clearly authorized by Congress.

  138. Biden Officials Tell Supreme Court That Title 42 Case Will Soon Be Moot Washington, February 8

    The justices are set to hear arguments on March 1 on whether Republican-led states may seek to keep in place the immigration measure, which was justified by the coronavirus pandemic.

  139. Back on the Bench to Announce Opinions, Supreme Court Rules Against a Veteran Washington, January 23

    The unanimous ruling was the first one summarized by a justice since the start of the coronavirus pandemic and an indication that the court is off to a slow start this term.

  140. Biden Administration Defends Student Loan Cancellation at Supreme Court Washington, January 5

    In a brief filed with the justices, the president’s lawyers argued that his administration had acted within its authority in moving to forgive hundreds of billions in student debt.

  141. The Met’s Efforts to Increase Ticket Sales for Operas Letters, December 30

    Readers praise plans for more contemporary works. Also: Zelensky and American values; protecting the minority; remote work; the Groucho exception.

  142. Will Lifting Title 42 Cause a Border Crisis? It’s Already Here. National, December 29

    Plans to lift Title 42 have prompted dire predictions of chaos on the border. But there is already a migrant surge, because the pandemic policy was never an effective border-control tool.

  143. ‘This Is Not About the Pandemic Anymore’: Public Health Law Is Embraced as Border Band-Aid Washington, December 28

    For some lawmakers and politicians on both sides of the aisle, brandishing Title 42 is a way to flaunt an aggressive stance on the border.

  144. Migrant Expulsion Policy Must Stay in Place for Now, Supreme Court Says Washington, December 27

    The temporary stay in lifting the pandemic rule known as Title 42 is a provisional victory for 19 states, led mostly by Republicans, that had sought to keep it in place on the border.

  145. En 2022, debatimos el apocalipsis en Español, December 27

    ¿Se está acabando el mundo tal como lo conocíamos? ¿Lo sabrías, siquiera, antes de que fuera demasiado tarde?

  146. Was the World Collapsing? Or Were You Just Freaking Out? Op Ed, December 20

    In 2022, we debated the apocalypse.

  147. Chief Justice Roberts Briefly Halts Decision Banning Border Expulsions Washington, December 19

    At issue is Title 42, a public health measure invoked by the Trump administration during the pandemic to block migrants from seeking asylum in the United States.

  148. Supreme Court to Hear Student Debt Forgiveness Case U.S., December 1

    The justices left in place an injunction blocking the Biden administration’s authority to forgive up to $20,000 in debt per borrower.

  149. Sparks Fly as Musk Moves Fast to Remake Twitter Business, October 31

    The social network’s new owner wants to cut costs and make money from more aspects of tweeting. But some advertisers and celebrities remain cautious.