
  1. The Obamas Called Kamala Harris. Cameras Rolled. Hokeyness Ensued. Politics, Yesterday

    Calling to offer their endorsement, the former president and first lady sounded like parents in a Lifetime movie talking to their child at summer camp.

  2. Obama respalda a Harris para la candidatura demócrata En español, Yesterday

    El silencio inicial del expresidente, que generó rumores y fue interpretado por los republicanos como un desaire, acabó el viernes cuando expresó públicamente su apoyo a la vicepresidenta.

  3. Arson Disrupts Olympics Travel, and Obama Endorses Harris Podcasts, Yesterday

    Plus, top Mexican cartel leaders arrested.

  4. Obama Endorses Harris for the Democratic Nomination Politics, Yesterday

    The former president, who had held back in the days immediately after President Biden left the race, joined the wave of support from Democratic leaders.

  5. Now Facing Harris, Trump Backs Off Commitment to Debate in September Politics, Yesterday

    The former president suggested moving a debate from ABC News to Fox.

  6. The July 25 Harris Trump Biden Election live blog included one standalone post:
  7. Obama Has Been in Touch With Harris and Is Expected to Endorse Her Soon Washington, July 25

    Former President Barack Obama had been reluctant to endorse Ms. Harris too quickly, to avoid the perception that he was overseeing her coronation, people familiar with his thinking say.

  8. Who Might Run With Kamala Harris? Letters, July 23

    Readers offer both Democrats and Republicans as well as a retired general as possibilities. Also: A quick race; Trump’s age; Biden and Netanyahu.

  9. Is It a Mistake for Democrats to Go All In on Harris? Four Columnists on the Party’s Moves. Op Ed, July 22

    As Democratic leaders fall in line behind Harris, her strengths and weaknesses warrant a closer look.

  10. Por qué Barack Obama no ha apoyado a Kamala Harris en público En español, July 22

    Los republicanos lo vieron como un desaire, pero allegados al expresidente califican su silencio como el de un estadista que se distancia de las maquinaciones internas del partido.

  11. Biden Is Out, and Democrats Have a Whole New Set of Questions Politics, July 22

    An earthshaking political moment finally arrived, and the transformation of the campaign starts now.

  12. The Meaning of Prayer at a Political Convention Op Ed, July 21

    Prayers at events such as the Republican National Convention can take on the feel of a religious veneer for certain policies.

  13. Lord Almighty, Joe, Let It Go! Op Ed, July 20

    It’s sad that the president doesn’t see what’s inescapable.

  14. Secluded in Rehoboth, Biden Stews at Allies’ Pressure to Drop Out of the Race Washington, July 19

    As he recovers from Covid, the president has grown resentful toward Democratic congressional leaders and former President Barack Obama.

  15. The Roots of Biden’s Defiance: Anger, Fear, Pride and Regret Washington, July 19

    President Biden is still bitter about feeling pushed out of the 2016 race by Democratic elites in favor of Hillary Clinton.

  16. The July 19 Rnc Fact Check live blog included one standalone post:
  17. National and World Leaders Condemn the Shooting at Trump’s Rally Politics, July 14

    A wide range of political figures, including President Biden and other political opponents of the former president, denounced political violence and called for national unity.

  18. The July 13 Biden Trump Election live blog included one standalone post:
  19. How Biden Lost George Clooney and Hollywood Politics, July 11

    The president’s stable of big donors, corralled in part by the movie mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg, has been devastated since his debate, with many closing their wallets.

  20. Biden’s Crisis Could Be Just What Democrats Needed Op Ed, July 11

    James Carville has a winning solution for the Democratic Party.

  21. Biden no ganará. Los demócratas necesitan un plan. Propongo uno En español, July 9

    Los demócratas necesitan un nuevo candidato a la presidencia de Estados Unidos, y no pueden decantarse por algún aspirante tras bambalinas. Este es el modo en el que deben hacerlo.

  22. James Carville: Biden Won’t Win. Democrats Need a Plan. Here’s One. Op Ed, July 8

    The party needs a new presidential nominee and can’t rig things for any one candidate.

  23. Who Is David Lammy, Britain’s New Foreign Secretary? Foreign, July 5

    Mr. Lammy has deep ties to the United States and campaigned for former President Barack Obama.

  24. Is America a City on a Hill or a Nation on the Precipice? Op Ed, July 2

    The messy, fascinating history of American exceptionalism has taken a strange turn.

  25. Obama Defends Biden: ‘Bad Debate Nights Happen’ Politics, June 28

    The former president faced a similar crisis of confidence in his re-election campaign after a bad debate performance in 2012, and he defended his former running mate in a social media post.

  26. We Were Friends for Years. Trump Tore Us Apart. Op Ed, February 4

    Politics drive a wedge between even the longest of friends.

  27. Don’t Let Inflation Bury the Memory of a Government Triumph Op Ed, July 20

    We got our economic response to the coronavirus right. Why would we let go of that success?