Justices across the ideological spectrum and lawyers on both sides agreed that an appeals court erred in requiring members of majority groups to meet a heightened burden.
In a newly reissued 1983 book, the radical feminist Andrea Dworkin argued that conservative women understood the reality of male domination.
Our columnist recommends books featuring centuries of L.G.B.T.Q. love stories that defy tragedy, laugh in the face of shame and lean into unabashed joy.
In “The Secret Public,” Jon Savage traces how music helped popularize queer culture, from the 1950s through the heyday of disco.
Readers criticize President Trump’s cabinet, and Elon Musk. Also: The pastor and his gay son; false populists and the elite.
They’re all Gabby Windey, the reality television star whose latest turn is on the cult hit “The Traitors.”
New data shows a rapid increase in recent years, driven by the young. The Trump administration has recently been rolling back L.G.B.T.Q. initiatives.
The organizations claimed that the president had exceeded his authority in issuing the orders, and that they intentionally discriminated against Black and transgender people.
Alice Weidel of the nationalist, anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany lives in Switzerland and is married to a Sri Lankan-born woman. She had led her party to second place before Sunday’s election.
Muhsin Hendricks was credited by some as being the world’s first openly gay imam and helped Muslims reconcile their faith with their sexual orientation.
Edmund White seems to hold nothing back in his raunchy, stylish, intimate new memoir, “The Loves of My Life.”
Hundreds of people gathered at the Greenwich Village site to condemn what they saw as a chilling strike against the symbolic heart of the gay rights movement.
The “T” was removed in references to L.G.B.T.Q.+ on the official site for the Greenwich Village monument, which marks a milestone in the fight for gay rights. Later, the Q+ also disappeared.
Two men were fatally drugged as their bank accounts were being drained. The killers lurked outside Manhattan clubs near closing time.
President Trump’s executive order is altering scientific exploration across a broad swath of fields, even beyond government agencies, researchers say.
The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on self-pleasuring secrets and the pressures of living up to one’s sexual orientation.
Convertirme en quien soy como escritor —y hacerlo frente a ustedes y para ustedes— ha sido uno de los grandes honores de mi vida.
Growing into myself as a writer — and doing it in front of and for all of you — has been one of the great honors of my life.
The order, called “Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports,” is based on the Trump administration’s interpretation of Title IX.
President Trump’s pause on aid, and the gutting of the primary aid agency, could jeopardize the health of more than 20 million people worldwide, including 500,000 children, experts say.
How did my dad go from hating homosexuality to imploding his church by embracing me? His journal entries show how he changed his mind.
También ordenó al Pentágono cancelar los programas de diversidad, reincorporar a miembros del servicio despedidos por negarse a recibir la vacuna contra la covid y crear un nuevo sistema de defensa antimisiles.
The president also ordered the Pentagon to end diversity programs, reinstate many service members dismissed for refusing the coronavirus vaccine and create a new missile defense system.
A national survey found promising signs that key mental health measures for teens, especially girls, have improved since the depths of the pandemic.
Theda Hammel wasn’t always sure her varied résumé would include “Stress Positions,” her directorial debut.
Over the years, Mr. DeSantis embraced and exploited his Ivy League credentials. Now he is reframing his experiences at Yale and Harvard to wage a vengeful political war.
Adolescent girls reported high rates of sadness, suicidal thoughts and sexual violence, as did teenagers who identified as gay or bisexual.
It has been a busy month for the Florida governor as he stokes divisive cultural issues.
They formed a community meant to support and shelter gay people who had been cast aside by society. Decades later, they are still living together, hosting pageants to help make ends meet.
An ACT UP veteran remembers the doctor’s AIDS legacy.
Readers are moved by a column by Charles Blow and offer their own experiences. Also: Santos’s lies; Covid in China; digital payments; ableist language.
State Representative Joe Harding, a sponsor of the law that critics have called “Don’t Say Gay,” is accused of illegally obtaining or trying to obtain more than $150,000 in loans.
The agency may put in place a personalized risk assessment to replace the current prohibition on men who have had sex with men in the previous three months.
Readers add to Frank Bruni’s list of possible candidates. Also: A gay marriage bill; funding Covid vaccines.
Plus Iranian players protest at the World Cup and “Neighbours” will start filming again.
Readers respond to a column by Pamela Paul. Also: Pandemic preparedness; regulating media; the need for unions.
With war raging in Ukraine, and the coronavirus still circulating, many in Europe say they have bigger worries than monkeypox. Some organizations, however, have raised concerns about stigma.