The Hulu series unfolds in a Chinatown that “is both physical and psychological,” said Charles Yu, the creator. Here’s a look at how four key settings bring the story to life.
Expert advice from interior designers on going beyond the standard two-pillows-and-a-throw treatment.
The designer Tommaso Spinzi has restored an architectural gem — and made it his own.
Una página de Facebook, que comenzó entre amigos, ha crecido hasta convertirse en una colección popular de peligros para subir y bajar.
A Facebook page, which began among a few friends, has grown into a popular photo collection of hazardous stairs.
This hexagonal home, hidden on an Oahu mountaintop, is the best example of Vladimir Ossipoff’s blend of Japanese and American midcentury design.
If you’re visiting the city-state, here’s where you can see some of the most vivid Peranakan designs, including decorative tiles, beaded shoes, embroidery and jewelry.
A family needed more space but decided not to leave New York City. They bought a fixer-upper in Brooklyn and slowly went to work.
A new generation of floral designers is incorporating fresh styles into their creations.
Claremont Hall, climbing 41 stories above the historic Union Theological Seminary campus, was designed to delight the eye without disrupting the neighborhood.
Some of the biggest offenders tend to be small appliances like coffee makers and toasters. Designers are creating new ways to maximize space.
A couple who own an interior design firm found a residence that could also serve as a showroom for their work.
Eleven brilliantly wacky homes that make conventional ideas of good taste seem boring.
Patek Philippe’s first new collection in 25 years came as a particular shock to a British watchmaker who already had a (far less expensive) doppelgänger on the market.
A couple wanted a space to read and relax, but occasionally they had an overnight guest. Here’s how they made it work.
Starting in November, 25 new site-specific installations that explore the idea of home will fill the former Carnegie mansion in Manhattan.
Remember Microsoft Paint? It’s more perfect than ever.
Once derided as symbols of a commodified work force, cubicles are making a comeback, and workers are personalizing them and posting photos on social media.
If your feed makes the corporate life look stylish, it’s just another evolution in the long history of the American workplace.
Before the pandemic, turning a house into a hub for big gatherings seemed like a good idea.
After struggling to respond to a crushing Covid caseload, many hospitals are remodeling so that when the next crisis comes, they’ll be better able to meet it.
Ben Watson is overseeing the merger of Herman Miller and Knoll, with the belief that good design means good business.